Thursday, 8 April 2010

so first up is perez and gaga?!

WTF is up with them?!
Hollywood's most hated website - is it really anymore?
scrolling through the posts now, we see that 99% of them are on people that Perez loves, like Lady(cough cough)Gaga.

Personally I can not stand the fat, disgusting thing known as Perez Hilton, and the anorexic tran known as Lady Gaga, but I am strangely drawn to the site everyday (perhaps because it is one of the only sites my work allows me to go on).
What I don't really get is why he needs to call her/him his "wifey" or "gagaloo" and other such nonsensical names. The man must be around 30! WHY WHY WHY!!!!!
I am a Gay man myself but I do not feel the need to surround myself with Michael Alig - oops! sorry Lady Gaga and all their eccentric little club kid wannabes!(so Geraldo, so 90's)

Actually has anyone heard much on Michael Alig since the Tranmeister general came around?!
The "telephone" video was set in a prison, with Beyonce and her coat of many weaves breaking the tranmeister out of her butch bitch prison! Hmmmm something to think about, maybe Gaga is Alig (kinda similar) and Perez is James St James, but with much less style and talent!

So anyway, today I did my usual search on what goes on in the world of celebrity this morning, and I came across a post on on a 15 year old kid from Tennesee, who wore a Tee to school that said I heart Lady Gay Gay! Why is that mother allowing a 15 year old boy to go to school in such tack!? This kid will get bullied to shit, he is not living in NYC or LA or anywhere with a bit of style and tollerance FFS!
This Tee it turns out is tour merchandise?! Why is the tranmeister calling herself Lady Gay Gay, as far as I was aware she was Bi Bi, but most women say they are to get a little peen now and then! (No need, most hetero men would fuck any tina, dick, or harry/sally after 1 too many Bud's!)

So the Tranmeister responds to this - through her publicist probably as she is always too coked up to even sing and perform anymore, did you see her down under? - by saying that her little "monster" (WTF) should be allowed to express their individuality or some other bull shit she comes out with on a daily basis.

Surely what we should be focusing on here is that the 15 year old boy should be concentrating on his education, not trying to start some gay rights movement to assist Tranmeister and her little Taco Bell (aka Perez) to have every gay man/women look ridiculous, covered in glitter with giant lobsters on their heads! What happened to when a young gay man would put their mothers pearls on, and heels and totter around thinking they are Joan Crawford or Madonna, wearing Dior and Chanel Couture? No, Just me? Okay lets forget that one then!

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