Monday, 12 April 2010

Monday Morning

I absolutely detest Monday mornings perhaps even more than Sunday evenings!
Sunday evenings are horrendous for me, I sit at home filled with anxiety at the thought of dragging myself to work and to have to sit here for another week, listening to homophobic, racist and sexist jokes from a load of sea cows in suits.

There is nothing at all that I enjoy about my job, I spend from 9am to 5pm every day not talking to anyone unless my phone rings and 90% of the time that is Aggy talking a load of shit at me.
I have been spending the last 2 weeks surfing the internet looking for new jobs, the situation has gotten so bad that this morning I even applied for a job, where one of the specifications was:

"previous experience in a fast food environment would be advantageous"

I was typing away and e-mailing my CV quicker than you can say "do you want fries with that?"
Is this what my life has become, where I would turn away from a personal assistant/admin job to serve fat people in a fast food joint? I believe it has.

If anyone reading this feels that they would like to offer me a role where I can actually interact with others and would get a degree of enjoyment out of my working day, please feel free to contact me! I would be willing to take a pay cut (as you can see from my application to a fast food restaurant!)

This place is slowly killing me and forcing me to live my life venting my anger through my blog.
There is no juicy celebrity news to report on today so no doubt I will be forced to reveal just how much of a piss head I was over the weekend, in my postings this afternoon. There you go something for you to look forward to.

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